SERA43 listserv
To subscribe or unsubscribe from your email:
To subscribe to the SERA43 listserv, send an email with a blank subject, and a single line in the body “SUBSCRIBE SERA43″ (without quotes) to: . Please notice that this is not list email address, rather the address to subscribe and unsubscribe.
To unsubscribe from the SERA43 listserv, similarly send an email with a blank subject, and a single line in the body “UNSUBSCRIBE SERA43″ (without quotes) to:
To spy on your peers and figure out who else is on the list, send an email with a blank subject, and a single line in the body “REVIEW SERA43″ (without quotes) to:
If you do not quickly see a confirmation reply asking you to click on the a weblink to confirm your subscription, contact Zachary Easton, zeaston(at)vt(dot)edu, to help figure out what went wrong.
The following email addresses are used for the specified purposes:
* To send an email to the list:
* To contact the list owner:
* To send commands to the LISTSERV server:
* To unsubscribe from the list: